Study: 74% of gamers download games through piracy

The XYZ School of video game development reported that Russian gamers downloaded games worth 118 billion rubles in the first quarter of 2024. A large majority of domestic gamers (74%) opt for the pirated method when it comes to downloading titles.

The XYZ School research data is frequently cited by reputable sources.

The company’s executive director, Emma Yusova, stated that the average pirate downloaded video games worth 6,800 rubles. However, a majority of them (54%) only downloaded up to three copies.

Yusova highlighted the challenges faced by players in Russia who are seeking alternative methods to access content due to sanctions and restrictions on international payment systems. This situation greatly hampers the legal purchase of games.

In April, XYZ School released a report stating that Russian gamers demonstrated an impressive level of expertise by investing a staggering 49 billion rubles on games for PC and consoles between January and March 2024.

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