
Clothing Store Simulator preview

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Clothing Store Simulator preview

Yes, there is a simulation game for everything , and the game we have in front of us today is Clothing Store Simulator. As you can understand from the name, we are opening a new clothing store for ourselves and we are trying to manage it in the best way possible. The main purpose of this game, which is still in early access, is to start our life as a small clothing store, fill the shelves with new clothes, develop over time, satisfy the customers and become the best store in the city.

Like every other video game in this genre, Clothing Store Simulator starts in an empty street of a dead world. We are faced with an empty shop again, and by using the tutorial missions, we get a quick start and learn the basics of the game. Using our computer we can take stock, check our stock, hire new employees, check payments and much more than that.

At the beginning of the Clothing Store Simulator game, only three different women’s clothes are available, but as you progress, new outfits, new brands and even special designs are unlocked. Of course, we also need to buy new trial cabins for our store or areas where we will display the items. The things we buy are immediately left in the middle of the road in front of us, and we can take the clothes from those boxes and arrange them one by one in our store as we wish.

Then we make our first sale in Clothing Store Simulator and would you believe it, you can earn back the money you spent on the entire stock and other items of the store from just 8 customers. This shows me from the first minutes of the game that the economy will not be very important. So, the biggest challenge in this game is that you will have to wait for the money to reach the amount you want, not that it will require effort, sir.

The current basis of the Clothing Store Simulator game is exactly as I described above. You unlock new items by leveling up. You can buy those items by earning money. New items open up new possibilities from time to time, and the same goes for brands. Obtaining the sales rights of a brand offers new types and categories of clothing for your store. By the way, you can determine the selling price of everything in the store.

The biggest thing I can praise about the Clothing Store Simulator game is that there is a wide variety of products you can sell. On top of that, there are actually no limits in the game as you can design clothes later. These are hidden behind a level system that feels like it moves too quickly. So, you earn money and level up very quickly. You don’t feel like you’re actually putting effort into your store. The feeling of progress could have been slowed down a bit.

As I said before, Clothing Store Simulator was released during the early access period. That’s why the content of the game is as superficial as possible. For example, you cannot view your store’s statistics or run sales campaigns. Also, in shoe sales, there are no seats for customers to try on, and the mechanics in the item design part are quite mediocre, you can’t even draw a straight line yet. So, there’s a lot missing.

Additionally, I would like to say that Clothing Store Simulator is very similar to Supermarket Simulator in many different aspects. The developers or distributors are not the same, but it is impossible not to see the similarity. However, I don’t mean this as a negative criticism. By the way, the previous work of the developers of this new game was Estate Agent Simulator, which was released in November 2023. He is still supported.

The Clothing Store Simulator game currently has two major problems. The first of these is that the game is very superficial, which is actually normal for a game that has just started the early access process. If this superficiality bothers you, all you have to do is wait for an update, which, judging by the developer’s previous game, will also be updated with new content. The second problem is the presentation of the game, which is something that will not be improved with updates.

Clothing Store Simulator looks plain and simple. In the reviews, it is stated that the graphics of the game are better than other examples of its genre, but I think this is not true. It’s a game that looks bad not only in the gaming world at large, but also within its own niche genre. More precisely, it is not bad, but rather unappealing to the eye. At least thanks to this poor quality, the game can be played easily on a wide range of hardware, there is no performance problem.

Another aspect that is of poor quality is the sounds and music of the Clothing Store Simulator game. There is no voice acting in the game anyway, which is a huge deficiency. The few pieces of music that exist are incredibly simple and mediocre. They don’t have the slightest importance in the game. Frankly, it bothers me a lot that the presentation elements are not so good in these types of games. The art part of the game is ignored and every game remains soulless and similar to each other.

Clothing Store Simulator can still be an interesting game, especially if you’ve enjoyed other interesting games of the genre, such as Supermarket Simulator. You may enter it just to relax and find yourself playing this game for 3-4 hours. If the developer team offers new and meaningful content to the players in a certain order, I can recommend this product to you with peace of mind. There is definitely some fun to be had from this game.

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