10 minutes of Minecraft voxel gameplay

Sandbox developer Lay of the Land recently shared a 10-minute video showcasing the newly added building mechanics in the game.

Lay of the Land is similar to Minecraft in several aspects, but it sets itself apart by utilizing voxel graphics. This choice enables a more intricate environment and a more realistic simulation of physics and interaction.

Furthermore, as demonstrated in the video, construction allows for the creation of walls with a wide range of shapes, not just the typical rectangular ones, thanks to the use of voxels. Moreover, players have the ability to effortlessly adjust the height of the blocks, allowing them to construct an entire wall in one seamless motion, displaying their expertise. Moreover, the player can utilize a wide range of procedural shapes for construction, including cubes, capsules, cylinders, cones, hexagons, hexagonal cones, paths, and spheres.

And for the interior, a wide range of objects are readily available, including tables, chairs, barrels, chests, candles, sofas, doors, beds, bookshelves, and much more.

You can easily add a game to your wishlist here. Regrettably, a release date has not been announced at this time.

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