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10 Topmost Weapons in Soulmask

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The world of Soulmask is engrossing and players will traverse through it to get rich lore and adversaries who will give them real challenges. Choosing the right weapon can make or break your game, literally. In this blog, I am going to guide you through the 10 topmost weapons in Soulmask game and their various attributes, strengths, and strategic advantages.


In Soulmask, choosing the right weapon will greatly improve your gaming experience by helping you overcome different challenges efficiently and more stylishly than ever before. Each weapon listed here has unique strengths and abilities that cater to diverse tastes, playstyles, and strategies.

Other factors also impact the gameplay, including preference towards some games over others based on how they are played among other related aspects such as individual player personality type. Furthermore, you can also read our article on Soulmask Guide: 10 Best Tips for Beginners

10 Topmost Weapons in Soulmask

From the damage-drained Void Reaver to the destructive Dragonfire Cannon, Soulmask has a perfect weapon for you.

1. The Void Reaver

The Void Reaver is one of the most powerful and coveted weapons in Soulmask. This black ghostly sword is known for draining the life force from an opponent with every successful hit, letting the wielder regain their health using doing so. The blade also works especially well against undead enemies, making it indispensable in regions filled with necromantic dangers.


  • Damage: High
  • Special Ability: Life steal
  • Best For: Battles against undead and sustained fights


For long engagements where health regeneration matters, go for the Void Reaver. Moreover, its life-stealing features can be boosted by wearing armor that raises vitality.

2. Celestial Bow

The Celestial Bow is a long-range weapon meant mostly for those who prefer attacking from a distance. They have enchanted arrows that can pierce armor and cause heavy damage to magical creatures due to their celestial energy imbued within them. It offers both rapid-fire shots as well as charged shots thus making it a versatile bow.


  • Damage: Medium to High
  • Special Ability: Armor piercing and magical damage
  • Best For: Long-range combat and magical enemies


Maintain a safe distance between heavily armored opponents while breaking through defenses using this bow’s charged shots. It is particularly useful when fighting multi-phase bosses because you must keep out of range to survive.

3. Inferno Axe

Inferno Axes are fearsome weapons combining brute strength with pure fire damage over time effects. Each swing emanates a wave of flames, causing damage to all surrounding enemies. The Inferno Axe is the perfect weapon for clearing hordes and dealing with fire-weak foes.


  • Damage: Very High
  • Special Ability: Fire damage and area-of-effect attacks
  • Best For: Crowd control and enemies weak to fire


Engage packs of enemies while swinging widely with this axe to cause the most damage within its range. Add a fire spell or item that boosts its effectiveness.

4. Phantom Dagger

The Phantom Dagger is loved by stealthy players since it is lightweight hence favoring fast attack speed that allows for repeated strikes. It can temporarily make the player invisible; thus, you may surprise someone unsuspecting their enemy or simply avoid them without being noticed.


  • Damage: Medium
  • Special Ability: Temporary invisibility
  • Best For: Stealth and quick engagements


The speed and invisibility of the dagger should be maximized through the use of hit-and-run tactics. Complement it using light armor which increases agility and abilities.

5. Stormcaller Staff

Stormcaller Staff possesses superior magical powers, channeling storms’ wrath. This staff will throw out lightning bolts, and create electrical fields for stunning and harming opponents. This staff is vital for crowd-control-focused players who employ spells.


  • Damage: High (magical)
  • Special Ability: Summons lightning and electrical fields
  • Best For: Spellcasters and crowd control



The Stormcaller Staff can help you manage the battlefield by stunning groups of foes as well as dealing ongoing magic damage on them especially if sustained while at the same time wearing gear that boosts magical abilities and lowers cooldowns for it too.

6. Bloodthirster Spear

Bloodthirster spear is a terrible weapon; it gets more powerful when this weapon kills an enemy. Once blood is soaked from the victims, the spear gains power for a limited duration and becomes swift in attacking. This is good for players who love to fight aggressively.


  • Damage: High (scaling)
  • Unique Ability: Grows stronger with each kill
  • Best For: Aggressive combat and sustained engagements


Attack relentlessly if you want to get the most out of this weapon. In terms of lengthiness in terms of fights or crawls through dungeons it depends on how strong you made your spear by killing enemies around you.

7. Frostbite Hammer

The frostbite hammer is a heavy weapon that combines crushing force with icy magic. It can freeze enemies in place after striking them at random which enables allies to perform follow-up attacks easily. It is also useful for controlling battles against fast-moving opponents.


  • Damage: High
  • Special Ability: Freezes enemies occasionally
  • Best For: Slowing down fast opponents and controlling quick foes


Make use of Frostbite Hammer to slow down dangerous and speedy attackers so that your friends and you can take advantage of this time gap for reorganization or repositioning yourselves properly. Any gear improving ice damage or freezing effects will work wonders with it.


8. Shadowstrike Blade

Shadowstrike blade is one versatile weapon recognized by its dual-wielding features as well as shadow magic infusion. Swift, successive thrusts are allowed by this sword while creating images of shadows that independently attack the very foes they confront head-on at any given time. Those fond of rapid short-range combats would find such type quite suitable.


Damage: Medium to High

Extraordinary Skill or Spell Type: Manifests Shadows As Ghosts

Ideal Class Type(s): Dual Wielders, Rapid Attackers, Quick Draw Experts, Finishers


Attack relentlessly with a series of lightning-fast slashes and let the shadow clones draw away attention from multiple foes. Quickness in motion combined with involvement in shadow magic boosts its performance.

9. Dragonfire Cannon

The Dragonfire cannon is a long ranged weapon with explosive projectiles. The burning residue is left after each shot causing huge area-of-effect damage that continues to harm any enemy within range. This is the ideal weapon for players who want to watch their enemies suffer from far off.


Damage: Very High

Special Ability: Explosive area-of-effect damage and burning effect

Best For Long-range bombardment and area control


The Dragonfire cannon should be used to clear out larger groups of enemies before entering melee. It works well with items that enhance fire damage or projectile speed.

10. Ethereal Whip

The ethereal whip is a supple armament that boasts both speed and reach. Its spectral nature allows it to pass through walls, thus allowing strikes on covered opponents as well as it may disarm them too. It can also disarm an opponent, making it a useful crowd control as well as a disruption tool against formations.


  • Damage: Medium
  • Special Ability: Can pass through objects and has a chance to disarm opponents
  • Best For: Crowd control and disrupting enemy tactics


Use the Ethereal Whip to attack enemies at a distance safely while disarming key enemies so they become less dangerous. It performs exceptionally well in tight or cluttered spaces.


Play around with different combinations and choose one that best suits your strategy of attack. Think about it, mastering Soulmask is not just dependent on your chosen weapon but also how you wield it. For this reason, get armed with any of these mighty weapons and begin your journey to legendary status in the realm of Soulmask.

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